
5 Non-Profits for Nature Lovers to Donate to This Christmas

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Photo of a mother grizzly and her cubs in the Great Bear Rainforest by Greg Shea

Looking for some last minute gift ideas? In the spirit of giving, this Christmas we encourage you to donate to one of these non-profits. Whether you are partial to humpback whales, grizzly bears, or salmon, these organizations perform essential conservation work and research along our fragile British Columbia coast:

1. Marine Education & Research Society: MERS is dedicated to conservation, research, education and marine wildlife response based out of Alert Bay. Their research is focused on but not limited to humpback and minke whales. For a donation you can choose to sponsor a humpback whale of your choice.

2. Raincoast Conservation Foundation: Raincoast works in partnership with First Nations communities and the University of Victoria to investigate, inform and inspire. Their work is focused on the conservation efforts of marine mammals, salmon, and large carnivores of our coastline as well as pushing for an ‘Oil-Free Coast’.

3. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society: LBCS is a research centre out of Haida Gwaii that focuses on protection, education, and the monitoring of seabirds including the endangered ancient murrelet. LBCS has one of the longest-running seabird surveys in the country, important baseline data in the health of our wildlife.

4. For Whales – Cetacea Whale Research Lab: Cetacea Lab is located on the south tip of Gil Island in the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest, run by Janie Wray and Hermann Meuter. The whale research station documents the humpback and orca behavior of the area, as well as the recent return of fin whales. For a donation you can choose to sponsor a whale of your choice.

5. Pacific Wild: Pacific Wild’s conservation efforts are focused on the Great Bear Rainforest, using priorities of exploration, education and advocacy to protect the land, ocean and wildlife of the area.

Thank you for considering donating! We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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