
Great vibe at the Salmon Migration event; great report on closed containment

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We’ve been sharing information about the threats to wild salmon (and therefore to wilderness tourism) for years now. This week, two significant things occurred:

  1. Independent consultant Dr. Andrew Wright released his investigation into the economic feasibility of closed containment salmon farms on land, and found there is a significant economic return.This refutes what the Norwegian salmon farming companies (who practise open net pen salmon farming which is a proven threat to wild salmon) have always said in the past. We love that Andrew took a businessman + engineer’s perspective on this and investigated. Not sure why the net-pen salmon farming businesses didn’t show that kind of vision and initiative years ago.You can read more here.
  2. Maureen went to the Get Out Salmon Migration walk + rally in Victoria. Here thousands of people from all walks of life, from wilderness and whale watching tourism businesses, to First Nations communities, to fishing families, to elected government officials, to concerned citizens of all kinds, gathered in a positive and inspiring way to show their support for getting open net salmon farms out of BC waters.You can read more here.

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