
EO Member Kevin Smith Charts a Course in Regenerative Travel 

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Q&A with Kevin

Current Event: Smith is offering an exclusive MyEO charter in British Columbia this spring, aboard his company’s new luxury catamaran Cascadia.

Who: Kevin Smith

Where: Victoria, BC, Canada

EO Member Since: 2018

What’s Your Company in a Nutshell?

We’re a luxury adventure travel company, operated on ecotourism principles. We guide small groups of people to the best wildlife, nature and cultural experiences on the BC and Alaska coast, far off the beaten track. They are like safaris among the islands and fjords of this spectacular coastline.

Why Do You Do This?

I used to be a park ranger and I experienced incredible things, alone on my small boat. I wanted to share them with others. I’m also a geographer and a believer in factoring nature into all of our decisions. Since business has the ability to shape society, I’m choosing to be the change in travel that I want to see: world class experiences that are good for the planet and its people.

What’s Your Most Recent Big Thing?

We expanded the company 120% between 2014-2015 by adding our classic tugboat Swell. We just expanded it again by 120% by adding our luxury catamaran Cascadia. That involved purchasing and importing Cascadia and then doing a multimillion dollar refit on her to bring her up to Transport Canada passenger carrying standards, and our company’s operating standards. That was a huge endeavour for a huge community of people that is Maple Leaf Adventures. People see nice boats and they think your life is easy but that couldn’t be further from the truth. This is not a business for the faint of heart …but it is a business for people with big hearts. Every one of our team members is thoughtful and caring of the wildlife and people that we share our home with.

Why Are You Offering a MyEO Private Charter?

My EO chapter and my forum have been there for me throughout this journey. I love to meet other entrepreneurs who understand what it is we go through on this side of the business, the less-visible side. So when my chapter colleagues suggested that Cascadia would be phenomenal for a MyEO trip, I decided, yeah, I’d like to do that. We’re going to take this incredibly capable and beautiful private catamarn into the fjords and islands of one of BC’s best cruisng areas, Desolation Sound. We’ll explore ashore, view wildlife (there are whales, seabirds, bears and other animals in the area), eat amazing food, visit with some special local people and generally have a good time, in the company of other EO members. I can’t wait.

Find out more about Kevin’s company at Maple Leaf Adventures’ website.

Find out more about the MyEO Exclusive Charter – Apr 29-May 3, 2020 – here.


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