
Oceanwise certifies Maple Leaf Adventures

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Maple Leaf Adventures Becomes Ocean Wise Certified

Ocean Wise, created by the Vancouver Aquarium, is Canada’s leading sustainable seafood program, and its logo on a menu indicates ocean-friendly options for diners.  Maple Leaf Adventures is proud to be the founding adventure travel partner with this important certification program.

Maple Leaf’s trips feature a world that depends on a healthy ocean: humpback whales, killer whales, grizzly and spirit bears, rainforests and thriving salmon runs. The Ocean Wise certification indicates the seafood served by the ship’s chef – from seared albacore tuna tataki to Queen Charlotte halibut with wild mushroom risotto – is sustainable.

Overfishing is the number one problem facing the world’s oceans. Ocean Wise addresses this critical issue by promoting sustainable fishery practices to prevent habitat destruction and enable species to thrive at optimum population numbers.

“Certifying Maple Leaf Adventures is a great fit for Ocean Wise because we know that Maple Leaf’s guests, through their experience of coastal wildlife on their trips, care deeply about the ocean’s health,” said Mike McDermid, Ocean Wise partner relations manager. “Maple Leaf’s vision, seeing beyond just the trip, is what makes them a model for sustainable tourism in BC.”

The Ocean Wise logo on a restaurant menu, seafood counter or product is the trusted symbol of ocean-friendly seafood choices. With more than 360 partners and over 2,800 locations across Canada, Ocean Wise makes it easy for consumers to make sustainable seafood choices that ensure the health of our oceans for years to come. Learn more at


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