Desolation Sound

Expedition Notes: Salish Sea and Desolation Sound, Apr 27-May 4, 2017

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The guests aboard the SV Maple Leaf were joined by Survivorman, Les Stroud on an epic expedition through the Gulf Islands and surrounding Salish Sea to the depths of Desolation Sound.
With fresh paint, glistening bright-work and an enthusiastic crew, the Maple Leaf’s first trip of 2017 was a success. A young humpback whale transited alongside through Boundary Pass as the ship made it’s way into the Gulf Islands. The guests enjoyed a walk along Tumbo Island and a picnic lunch. The Gulf Islands can be heavily visited in the summer months, but in April and May, visitors are greeted by quiet parks and uninterrupted views.
A 10-15 knot breeze filled Maple Leaf’s sails as she made her way up the Georgia Strait toward Jedidiah Island and Desolation Sound. Fresh lingcod & prawns were caught and made their way into the evening meal. The guests enjoyed learning from Les Stroud’s wealth of knowledge as they spent the last evening making a campfire on the beach.
The Maple Leaf is currently in the Great Bear Rainforest exploring the lush fjords and inlets before heading to Haida Gwaii for June and July. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for more trip updates.
Interested in our Salish Sea and Desolation Sound trip? Find our 2018 dates here.

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