Great Bear Rainforest

Expedition Notes: Great Bear Rainforest Photography Trip

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With cameras in hand, the crew and guests on our fall photography trip aboard Maple Leaf head out in search of some of the magic that the Great Bear Rainforest seems to hold.
Photography guide and naturalist Philip Stone reports:
The sunshine has returned to the Great Bear Rainforest after a brief but epic late summer rainfall. A torrential deluge has added new character to the water and hillsides with numerous new landslide scars including at an anchorage S.V. Maple Leaf and guests stayed at overnight. A large slide originating hundreds of meters up a nearby slope had washed thousands of tonnes of mud, shattered trees and rocks down onto a small estuary. But the bears and wolves are quickly adapting. We watched this Spirit Bear patrolling the new mud flats sniffing out Chum salmon and dragging them up above the tideline to dine. The dynamic landscape evolves and its inhabitants adapt and thrive…

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