Travel Agents & Tour Operators

Join our community of trusted travel agents and operators and provide clients with remarkable experiences.

Work With Us

Tailored experiences for discerning travelers

Yes, we work with travel agencies and tour operators.

We pay agents a commission for the business and expect agents to be able to assist their clients thoroughly and correctly, as well as ensure they have all the required paperwork.

We hope that having learned about our experiences, you’ll also recommend them to the people who come to you looking for an expedition or off-the-beaten-track option.

Understanding Our Trips

Curious about our expeditions? Let’s talk!

We are happy to give you a beautiful, personalized online presentation and overview of our trips, our style of travel, what guests are the right fit, and our booking procedure.

Our trips are for a specific type of traveler; please read our FAQs to ensure the experience is a fit for your clients.

To inquire about all of these things, please give us a call or drop us a line using our inquiry form. Thank you for your interest in offering this experience.

Let’s Plan An Adventure

Simply fill out the form below with your travel preferences, desired dates, and any other information you would like to share with us. Once we receive your inquiry, one of our specialists will be in touch with you.

Email me with information about a trip
Call me to chat about a trip or the ship
Book my reservation
Send occasional email newsletter
Mail me a printed brochure
Desolation Sound
Great Bear Rainforest
Gulf Islands National Park Reserve
Haida Gwaii
Vancouver Island
Culinary Adventures (Wines and Islands or Craft Beer Cruise)
Any Ship
Sailing Ship / Maple Leaf
Tugboat / Swell
Catamaran / Cascadia