Cool article from Canwest Newspapers’ Ports and Bows column: “28-metre schooner takes small groups to nature reserves”

By Phil Reimer

Sailing cruises by Maple Leaf Adventures

Nature up close and personal aboard the Maple Leaf. Image (c) Kevin Smith

“At one point, cruise ships carried 2,000 passengers, then they grew to 4,000, and now we’re seeing some that sail with more than 6,000 people on board.

Ship sizes keep growing, and they keep adding big-time entertainment, big casinos, and big dining rooms – but let’s take it down a peg, and I mean way down, to eight!

That’s the capacity of the 28-metre schooner, Maple Leaf, based in Victoria. Mind you, if families are involved, they can make room for a few more.

Here’s an example of their schedule for this summer:”
Read the rest of the article here:

And here is Maple Leaf’s schedule of sailing cruises in B.C. and Alaska.