How to Get to your Trip
Wild Geography Accessible by Air, Ferry or Road
Detailed, trip-specific information is available for each trip and is provided after booking. This is an overview so that you can understand how the travel would generally work. Please do not book nonrefundable airfare before getting the boarding and disembarking times for your trip.
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For peace of mind on your journey, we strongly recommend purchasing cancellation insurance through a travel agent. The agents listed below are familiar with our trips and can help you find the best coverage. You should arrange insurance immediately after booking.
Darcy McCormack
Tier One Travel (BC, Alberta, Ontario & US)
Preparing for a Trip
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Check your How to Get Here document for information specific to your trip. Some trips include airport pickup due to the challenging logistics in some communities for guests. Others do not, as guests like flexible options for getting to trips in other communities. If you cannot locate your How to Get Here document, please contact the office ASAP. At the end of your trip, your ship’s Captain will call for a shuttle or taxi to take you from the ship’s location to the airport. Check your How to Get Here document for whether this is included in your fare or not. If it is not, please be prepared to pay a cash fare, as in many small coastal towns these services are cash only.
You will not need your hiking boots. Most of our shore trips require the use of rain boots which we can provide for you. In some cases people will choose to change out of their rain boots and into walking, running or hiking shoes.
We advise against boots as they are bulky, heavy, and not necessary, as we are not doing extensive hiking. Shoes are softer and more flexible than hiking boots, aren’t as tricky to fit, and don’t need breaking in. They are a good choice for dry weather and gentler terrain, though some proponents argue they’re also better in wet conditions than hiking boots.
Yes. Both rain jacket and rain pants. Coastal BC is a rainforest and while your trip may have lots of sun, it is possible it could rain. It’s best to be prepared. Gore-tex is great and breathable, very comfortable, but not mandatory. Any coated nylon or rubber rain gear will work as well. Make sure your gear is 100% waterproof. Windbreakers will not be sufficient, nor will cheap plastic.
You will enjoy your trip even more with the proper gear. There is a famous saying we all heed: there is no bad weather, just bad clothing.
We do have rubber boots we are happy to lend to you. Just let us know your shoe size on your questionnaire. However, we do not have rain jackets and pants. You should bring your own. See our packing list for further information on appropriate footwear and gear.
No. These are remote wilderness locations. Our trips are ‘unplugged’: There is no internet access and very rarely cell phone reception. We hope you see this as a positive, as it allows you to fully experience the rich coastal environment, without disruption.
Yes, 24/7 you can plug into power outlets and charge your camera or other batteries. There are power outlets in your accommodations.
The weather on the coast is certainly changeable. The south-easterlies bring rain, while the north-westerlies bring clear, but cooler weather. These winds vary from light to strong throughout the season. Temperatures vary from cool to hot (generally from 8°C to 25°C/46°F to 80°F) and in our experience, there is always more sun than folklore suggests. Inside, the ship is warm and dry. Being on the water and making way generates a breeze over the deck. Thus, when the ship is underway, it can feel cooler than when we are stopped. See our suggested packing list for how to pack to properly enjoy your trip.
You may have an opportunity to occasionally fish aboard on your trip. We have several rods and sets of gear that you are welcome to use. Please note that fishing is NOT a focus of our trips, but rather an extra activity, and no amount of fishing is guaranteed.
Please note: We currently only offer fishing on our trips in British Columbia, and not on our trips in the Salish Sea / Gulf Islands region.
If you would like to try your hand at catching something, you will need to purchase a saltwater fishing license before arriving aboard. The easiest method to purchase your fishing license is online. Each person who wishes to fish must purchase a separate licence.
To purchase a fishing licence online, follow these steps:
For British Columbia, Canada trips:
- Visit www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca.
- In the search box, type Get BC Tidal Waters Fishing Licence.
- Under Recreational licenses, click Apply for a BC Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence for saltwater fishing.
- Complete the application form. Remember to print the licence at the end and bring it with you, or save it to your mobile device in order to be able to provide proof of your licence if requested by a Fisheries Officer.
If you are on one of our trips travelling in Alaska or the Gulf Islands trips: We will not be offering fishing in the Gulf Islands to help protect the depleting fish stocks in that area. We will also not be fishing in Alaska due to regulation requirements.
If you arrive early or stay later in Alaska and are excited to fish, we recommend you contact a local guide to take you out. You can find recommendations on TripAdvisor.
To be prepared in the unlikely event your luggage is delayed, we recommend packing essential items such as medications, toiletries, a few outfits, and raingear in your carry-on. Note that Maple Leaf Adventures will do everything we can to help get your luggage to the ship. However, we cannot delay the departure of the vessel in respect of other guests’ experience and trip itinerary limitations.
In the event your flight is delayed, we will monitor the situation closely, and since most guests book on the same flight (recommended in your How to Get Here document) we may adjust the trip’s departure accordingly. We also recommend purchasing comprehensive cancellation insurance for added peace of mind in case of unexpected travel disruptions.
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